Why Are Toddlers So Moody?

There are few things that are certain in life, but one thing you can always count on is that toddlers are moody. They are laughing one minute and crying the next. Sometimes your 2-year-old is brimming with smiley revelations and a mere minute later, the sky is falling, and fast. The majority of these ups […]

Stop Your Kids From Fighting! Part 2

Parents need to intervene when there is a power imbalance. When one child doesn’t stop and the other surrenders; when they  can help resolve an issue; and when they want some peace. If you do decide to step in, keep the following tips in mind: Stay Calm.One of the most important things parents can do […]

Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child

Your child lives in a very complicated social world. This has always been true for children. All parents can remember their own tears or rage at the cruelty of another child. All parents can remember wanting desperately to be accepted and approved of by other kids. Most of us can remember, at some point in […]

Taming Your Teen

The teen years are notoriously challenging for parents. Much like the toddler years, kids sometimes seem intent on doing exactly the opposite of what we ask. Disrespectful or rude behavior in teenagers is quite common. Although this phase will eventually pass, there are some strategies that can help you handle disrespect from your child in […]

Why Does Your Kid Hate School?

“I hate school! I’m not going!” When your child chronically refuses to go to school, you can start to feel like a hamster in a wheel—putting in a heck of a lot of work, effort, sweat and tears, but not really getting anywhere. I’ve seen and sympathized with frustrated parents who resort to physically putting […]

Taming Your Child’s Outbursts

During the toddler years, your child is constantly learning to control impulses, bodily functions and behavior. Sometimes, the ability to maintain self-control breaks down, resulting in a tantrum. You may not be able to avoid them, entirely, but you can minimize their frequency and intensity. To tame your child’s outbursts: Practice prevention. Make sure your child is […]

Raising a Confident Child

The idea that failure builds resilience has become commonplace. However, when children continually fail and don’t have the support to keep trying, all they learn is that they are failures. Resilience does not come from failing but from the experience of learning that you can pick yourself up, try again, and succeed. That requires some […]


In the wake of a disturbing event or tragic loss in the lives of children, parents and teachers do their best to help kids cope with their grief and anxiety in a healthy way. It is best to engage kids in a clam and supportive dialogue about their feelings. It is certainly not easy to […]


Kids can discipline themselves. I know it sounds too good to be true but when you make your expectations clear from the time your child is a toddler, they internalize those expectations and begin to expect the same thing themselves. In other words, since kids are naturally inclined to want to please their parents, they […]


According to the National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics 7% of students in grades 6–12 have experienced cyberbullying.The most recent Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey found that 15% of high school students (grades 9-12) were electronically bullied in the past year. Research on cyberbullying is growing. However, because kids’ technology use changes […]

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