COVID: The New Normal 2021

The coronavirus vaccine hopes to “normalize” life for young people and bring them back to school, activities and friends. But we can’t underestimate how destabilizing reentry will be. Parents who are struggling with burnout, anxiety and isolation have to now adjust to the next “new normal” for their children: letting them go.Kids who’ve been cooped […]


Children simply don’t communicate in the same manner as adults.  As a result, Child Therapy/Counseling often involves play therapy.  Given that children do not communicate their distress in the same manner as adults, we overcome initial hurdles with different vehicles. In conjunction with  with parents/schools and the utilization of behavior management strategies and techniques, Play Therapy […]

What Kind Of Parent Are You?

Raising kids isn’t easy. It’s often a time when new parents look to their upbringing to guide their decisions. Much of our parenting tendencies come from our personal experiences and how we were raised as children. Unless you and your partner grew up in very similar environments, you are likely to have diverse ideas of […]

Separation Anxiety

Dreading leaving your toddler with the babysitter or at daycare? Virtually every parent who has left a toddler with a caregiver has experienced the crumpled face, velcro-locked arms and the wail that rips through your heart. It’s the normal response of a securely attached toddler who protests what he/she perceives as a life-threatening separation from […]

Parenting children with mood disorders

Why Tantrums Are Actually Good!

Tantrums are one of the most challenging aspects of parenting. We tend to feel like good parents when our kids are smiley and at ease, but can feel helpless and overwhelmed when they are lying on the floor kicking and screaming. Believe it or not,  tantrums are an important part of our child’s emotional health and well-being, […]

child therapy concepts

How to Get Kids to Comply

As a child psychologist one of the most common questions parents ask me is “How do I my kids to do what I need them to do?” Here are five tips for helping them comply without having to nag: Assume kids want to do anything BUT what you’re asking.  This is how they’re wired, to […]

Therapy Services

Stop Your Kids From Fighting!

I know, when your kids fight it can drive you completely crazy. Of course, when you separate them and they beg to play together again, it makes the whole situation more baffling. You are not alone in this. Most parents rank kids’ fighting with each other as the parenting issue that most bothers them, and […]

Making The Most of Summer!

Summer lives in our imaginations throughout the year because it nourishes our souls. The warmth…..the fun……..the sheer deliciousness. But mostly, the luxury of time, unbounded by school. Time to explore, to make new friends, to lie on your back and watch the clouds billow. The freedom and excitement of a child’s summer can change them […]

Child Testing and Learning Disabilities

The What and Why of Intelligence Testing!

Often times, the WPSSI-IV is required as part of the admissions process when applying to private or specialized charter schools.   The WPPSI? What the heck is that? Why does my four-year old have to take an IQ test? How do I prepare my child? What does the school use it for? These are all […]

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